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/ The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 1 / The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume I (Data Express)(1992).ISO / wp / ltrhead1.zip

Jump To: Image (10)  |  Document (8)  |  Text (4)  |  Other (5)

Images (10)

Document (8)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
BILL.FRM WordPerfect document 1 4KB 1992-02-15
FAX.FRM WordPerfect document 1 3KB 1992-02-15
LETTER.FRM WordPerfect document 1 10KB 1992-02-15
SAMPLE01.LET WordPerfect document 2 20KB 1992-02-15
SAMPLE02.LET WordPerfect document 1 59KB 1992-02-15
SAMPLE03.LET WordPerfect document 1 61KB 1992-02-15
SAMPLE04.LET WordPerfect document 1 41KB 1992-02-15
SAMPLE05.LET WordPerfect document 1 39KB 1992-02-15

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
!README.1ST Text File 64 3KB 1992-02-15
LTRHEAD1.DOC Text File 978 29KB 1992-02-15
PRINTDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 15 322b 1992-02-15
REGISTER.DOC Text File 49 2KB 1992-02-15

Other Files (5)
BILL.WPM WordPerfect Macro File 450b 1992-02-15
FAX.WPM WordPerfect Macro File 418b 1992-02-15
LETTER.WPM WordPerfect Macro File 377b 1992-02-15
PAYME.WPM WordPerfect Macro File 4KB 1992-02-15
RECALC.WPM WordPerfect Macro File 315b 1992-02-15